June 99
main branches, but on individual branch ducts with
opposed blade balancing dampers to reduce room
noise transmission.
D. "Round-off" air quantities on plans to the nearest
increment of 0.3 m3/min. (10 cfm).
Smoke detectors for air conditioning systems are
specified in the Electrical Specifications, but show the
locations at air handling units on the "H" drawing
control diagrams and floor plans. Coordinate diffuser
location and blow direction with space detector
locations shown on the Electrical Drawings to avoid
false smoke alarms caused by air discharge.
Provide fire dampers and smoke dampers in
accordance with ARTICLE 3, HVAC SYSTEMS.
Provide a schedule for smoke dampers showing
sizes, pressure drops, and compliance with the
maximum velocity limit. Show duct transitions on
For calculations, include room by room heat gain and
loss; room by room air balance showing supply,
return, exhaust, transfer and make-up air quantities;
equipment capacities; economic analysis; and sound
vibration analysis. Identify, arrange and summarize
calculations and analysis in proper format. Index them
in a bound folder with each air handling unit as a zone
and separate chapters for cooling loads, heating loads,
exhaust systems, pumping/piping calculations, fan
selections, etc.
Provide heat transfer coefficients, solar radiation,
psychometrics, duct and pipe sizing, etc., and
calculations and analysis in accordance with the
ASHRAE Handbook and VA Design Criteria.
C. In addition to internal loads for people and lights,
include heat gain from equipment. Examples:
computer terminals, plug-in equipment, etc.
D. The use of computer programs and calculations is
acceptable and desirable. Calculations should,
however, be keyed to appropriate room, zone, and unit
numbers for each identification.
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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