June 99
D. Exit Fixtures:
Provide exit light fixtures in accordance with
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and the following:
Fixture types will consist of top-mounted,
end-mounted, surface-mounted, or recessed
as applicable for the project.
Fixtures shall be illuminated by the use of
fluorescent lamps or LEDs.
Wire exit lights to a separate life safety circuit(s)
using a design load of 14 watts maximum, per
Indicate double faced fixtures and/or directional
arrows on the drawings where required.
Lighting Layouts:
Use VA lighting level requirements as design values
and not as minimums. The designer should attempt to
select the number of lamps and the fixture type given
the specific finishes being specified in each area to
ensure lighting designs will produce the intended
lighting levels.
The following rule applies to offices and similar spaces
with non-fixed task locations where a 64.584 LX (60
foot-candle) or greater lighting level is required.
Position ends of fluorescent fixtures (or rows) within
750 mm (2-1/2 feet) of abutting walls, selecting fixture
and lamp quantities to provide the required lighting
level. (See Figures 6-1 thru 6-4)
C. Omit lighting fixtures from established general lighting
layouts which are non-task areas and which contribute
aisle space or other traffic locations such as in front of
doorways. Generally, for rooms over 9.2 m2 (100
square feet) in area, if a door swing arc intercepts a
lighting fixture on the floor plans, the fixture should be
omitted. (See Figures 6-2 thru 6-3)
D. In shops and similar areas having work tables and
benches, run continuous rows of three-lamp
fluorescent fixtures centered over the front edge of
wall-mounted benches and crosswise to double-sided
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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