June 2006
VA Criteria and Standards
VA provides guidance to A/Es for the design and construction of its facilities in a series of De-
sign Guides, Design Manuals, Design, Alerts, Master Specifications and Standard Details.
These documents can be found in the Technical Information Library (TIL) at
http://www.va.gov/facmgt/standard/ . Standards referenced in this supplement include:
PG-18-1, Master Construction Specifications
PG-18-3, Design and Construction Procedures
PG-18-10, Design Manuals
PG-18-14, Room Finishes, Door, and Hardware Schedule
VA Fire Protection Design Manual
DVA Physical Security Report
H-18-8 Seismic Design
The criteria documents are generally organized by design or engineering discipline. Each
document provides guidance specific to that discipline, e.g., such as guidance for the design of
functional spaces, or detailed guidance for the selection, sizing, installation or modification of a
particular system or subsystem. The interrelationship and future adaptability of the various sub-
systems and the building as a whole are addressed in the VAHBS Research Study Report (Red
Use of VAHBS
VA policy as stated in VHA Program Guide PG-18-3, Topic 3 is to design new hospital buildings
to provide for continuing adaptability throughout their structural life. The VAHBS provides a
proven and cost-effective methodology and systems prototype for the integration of the various
individual systems, subsystems and functional zones found in a hospital building. Specific
zones and channels are assigned to each system and subsystem for distribution throughout the
building. The high level of organization and discipline in locating service systems and compo-
nents significantly enhances the constructability and adaptability of VA hospital buildings and
meets VA policy.
The project team for a new VA hospital, including VA staff and design and engineering consult-
ants, shall use this Supplement in conjunction with the VAHBS Research Study Report (Red
Book) in the design and construction of new VAHBS buildings. This Supplement is intended to
assist the project team in the application of the VAHBS to new designs by identifying outdated
or obsolete portions in the 1977 document and providing examples of successful solutions and
details used in implementing the VAHBS. The design team is expected to understand and ap-
ply all current VA criteria and standards and comply with applicable codes and regulations.
Organization of VAHBS Research Study Report
The VAHBS Research Study Report (Red Book) consists of three volumes: Volume 1-Design
Manual, Volume 2-Data Base, and Volume 3-Project Report. Volume 2 contains a detailed data
base on user needs, functional requirements, costs, labor unions, and laws and regulations.
Volume 3 is the consultant's report describing the research and underlying assumptions used in
developing the VAHBS.