June 2006
Telecommunications and other special systems (Tele/Data) continue to increase in quantity and
complexity. VA criteria now require dedicated telecommunications equipment rooms to be
separated from electrical equipment spaces. A high degree of adaptability and expansion is re-
quired for these subsystems.
113.2 Shell Systems: Refer to supplement for Section 310 below for commentary on struc-
tural systems.
Ceiling subsystem shall be split into platform and ceiling subsystems. The Red Book defined
subzone S-6 as the ceiling: a combined walk-on platform or interstitial deck with surface applied
finishes and fixtures on the underside (exposed to the functional zone). Current practice uses
two subzones, S-6 and S-7. The S-6 subzone is the platform. The S-7 subzone includes the
space below the platform and the suspended finish ceiling. Refer to supplement for Section 320
below for details of platform and ceiling construction. Refer to Appendix A for examples.
Wherever the Red Book refers to "ceiling" or "S-6" subzone the reader should apply the current
definitions of S-6 platform and/or S-7 ceiling subzones as appropriate to the context.
Refer to the supplement for Section 330 below for commentary on partition systems.
Section 120 provides general guidance on the use of the VAHBS for programming, budgeting
and design of new hospital projects.
122 Data Base: Volume 2 contains a detailed data base on user needs, functional require-
ments, costs, labor unions, and laws and regulations. Volume 2 has not been updated since
1977 and much of the programmatic data, planning data and dimensions are obsolete. The pro-
ject team shall use the space plan (program) specifically developed for the project and adhere
to the latest VA criteria and current design practice for functional and programmatic issues.
Planning Modules
Section 200 introduces the modules and design configurations created for the Red Book. The
functional program for VA hospitals has changed extensively since this section was written. The
planning issues listed in this section still need to be addressed in design process; however,
many of the conclusions regarding dimensions and geometries should be modified as noted in
the following paragraphs.
Structural Bay
Size and geometry of the structural bay and plan-
ning modules are not restricted to the rectangular
bay described in Section 210 of the Red Book. The
project team may adjust the bay size and shape as
appropriate for the program and systems used in a
particular design. Selection of bay size will affect
depth of structure (subzones S-1 and S-2) and floor
VA Medical Center
to floor height when integrated with allocations for
Augusta, GA, 1987
service subzones S-3 through S-7.