June 2006
vehicles (not normally purchased with construction funds) and an unusually large quantity of
exterior canopies and walkways among other buildings on the campus.
Construction Cost
The data from the Medical Centers (Database, Volume 2) used for the Cost Analyses in Volume 3
of the Red Book are now largely outdated simply through the passage of time. While ENR and
other Building Cost indices reflect the overall cost increases due to inflation, they do not always
address specific Elemental / Trade fluctuations. These may have varied considerably over time
thereby "skewing" any direct proportionate link between such general inflation indices and the Cost
Analyses outlined in the Red Book. For example, recent volatility in steel and concrete costs has
seen these components increase in dramatically greater proportions than other trades. The design
team shall use the best available current data for cost estimating, systems comparisons, and life
cycle cost analysis.
Life Cycle Costs
Unlike some private sector Owners, VA can be expected to occupy a hospital building for 40, 50, or
more years. For such long terms, the costs of operating, maintaining, and altering buildings will
usually exceed their first cost several times over. Section 752 in Volume 3 of the Red Book
analyzes the savings in housekeeping, maintenance, and alteration for a systems building
compared to a traditional building. The general observations and principles contained in Section