Contract Documents: Production
To reduce the time required for the production of contract documents to a
minimum, it will be necessary to proceed with structural, mechanical and
electrical detailed design and working drawings on the basis of "empty"
service modules, that is, modules of specific dimensions to which general
functions, departments or parts of departments may be tentatively
assigned, but which as yet have no room layouts. The architectural
drawings which establish precise layouts must be developed in parallel
with the engineering drawings, rather than prior to them as in conventional
practice. This head start is very important to engineering design because
of the special effort that is required to properly work out the detailed
service distribution strategy, particularly the subzone organization of the
service zone. Service systems design in turn requires very close
coordination with structural design on matters of service bay size, shear
wall penetrations, etc.
In a sense, this calls for some reversal of normal procedures in which
architectural design may be worked out in considerable detail before even
basic engineering design is considered. The intent of the Prototype
Design is to allow parallel design development "across the board", with all
disciplines proceeding from the general to particulars in a coordinated
manner. The idea is that coordination is most efficient and effective when
it takes place at equivalent levels of detail, and as an integral activity in the
design process.
The key system device for this purpose is the service module used as a
"building block" for schematic design. Each module has an inherent
structural and service distribution pattern. Thus, when preliminary
planning procedures produce an architectural schematic design, they
"automatically" establish basic structural, mechanical and electrical
designs. This assumes, of course, that the appropriate engineers have
been involved directly in the preliminary planning process.
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