Construction Scheduling
If construction is to proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible, the
detailed design of the building must be deliberately oriented toward a
carefully considered sequence of assembly. Since the development of a
detailed construction strategy is a prerequisite to the final selection of
generic design options for structure, ceiling and HVC, or at least must
occur as one aspect of that selection process, it is a subject of concern
from the very beginning of the design development phase.
Subsystem design and choice of materials must take into account all
factors influencing the efficiency of the total construction process, such as:
1. labor content:
trades required;
skills required;
trade schedules;
on-site vs. off-site work;
2. transportation, storage and handling,
3. erection sequence and phasing among other subsystems,
4. simplicity of installation,
5. interface conditions between subsystems, such as tolerances,
connectors and mutual access,
6. relative independence of installation of each subsystem,
7. working drawing lead time,
8. working drawing complexity,
9. shop drawing requirements,
10. field change capability,
11. possible trade union objections,
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