Identify any future planned improvements to these roadways and by
what entity. The counts must be representative of morning,
afternoon and mid-day peak hours on an average weekday and shall
include representative week-end hours if deemed appropriate.
Indicate all signal timing for intersections analyzed.
d. Describe existing ambient air quality in the vicinity of the
project site and the major roadways. See A,1,(c) above.
Descriptors for air quality shall include those pollutants that
have National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
e. The Contractor shall analyze all data and estimate to the year
1998 vehicle origins and destinations in as much detail as
possible so that the most likely travel/access routes are
determined. Give approximate percentages of vehicles expected to
park short term (less than 1 hour) and long term, the types of
user, and any expected seasonal variation. Based on information
for this requirement, indicate on a traffic flow plan, which
streets will be used to approach and leave the project and the
number of newly generated vehicles involved during peak hours. In
addition, a parking plan shall be proposed which will provide:
- parking spaces for use by employees, beneficiaries,
patients, volunteers, and visitors having business at the
medical center;
- a plan for parking control and management to the year
2005; and
- an implementation plan to include costs for recurring
parking-associated operational costs (i.e. maintenance) and
other issues which may affect implementation.
f. The Contractor shall describe the relationship of the proposed
project to other traffic generators within the project study area. Investigate
the proposed project impacts on local streets, parking and traffic flow.
g. The Contractor shall calculate air quality effects resulting from
vehicular emissions for all traffic routes identified at (e) above and the
project area. The emission impacts should be described and compared to
national and state air quality standards utilizing air quality modeling
h. The Contractor shall make recommendations on how to minimize traffic
congestion and air quality impacts, control access to VA parking facilities
and retain access through the project site for VA traffic including
ambulances, emergency vehicles, buses and delivery vehicles.
3. Deliverables: The Contractor shall prepare a draft and final report. The
language with limited technical terminology. Statistical or scientific
terminology should not be used without providing explanatory information. A
glossary of terms must be provided.