5. Congressional letters:
a. Place each signed letter in its addressed, unsealed envelope
along with the EIS.
b. Deliver all unsealed envelopes to the Office of Congressional
Affairs (60) along with a copy of the congressional mailing list, a
sample letter, and the EIS.
c. Couriers will deliver the envelopes to the Congressional Offices.
d. IMPORTANT: congressional distribution should be accomplished
before any copies are mailed to anyone else.
6. When congressional distribution is completed, notify the Consultant
to mail the EIS to the remaining parties on the mailing list.
7. A sufficient number of copies must be sent to the Department of
Interior, Office of Environmental Affairs for distribution of the EIS to
Department of Interior Bureaus with jurisdiction by law or special
expertise. The following number of copies should be provided:
a. Eighteen (18) copies of a draft and twelve (12) copies of a Final
EIS West of the Mississippi,
b. Twelve (12) copies of a draft and seven (7) copies of a Final EIS
East of the Mississippi, and
c. All Draft and Final EIS documents should be sent to the following
Department of Interior Director, Office of Environmental Affairs
1849 "C" Street, NW (Mail Stop 2340) Washington, DC 20240
8. Distribute copies of the EIS. In addition, for Cemetery projects,
send two copies to their Public Affairs Office (40H). For EISs involving
Site Selection Boards, include the Chairman in the distribution.
9. Filing with EPA to be accomplished in accordance with "EPA Filing
System Guidance" (attached to this procedure).
a. Prepare filing letter to EPA. Refer to examples.
b. FM will hand deliver five official file copies of the EIS to EPA
Filing Section (Mail Code A-104, Room 2119 Waterside Mall).
c. FM will obtain a signed and dated receipt supplied by EPA.
d. When filing with EPA, you must sign a document certifying that
distribution to the public has been completed.
e. Make every effort to file with EPA before their Friday noon