Question #9 - Will EPA issue a permit once the Notice of Intent (NOI) is
Answer- No. There will not be an actual permit issued. The submission of
the NOI provides automatic coverage under the general permit.
Question #10 - Must the Notice of Intent (NOI) be posted?
Answer - Yes. The NOI must be posted at the site of the covered
construction activities.
Question #11 - What information must be included in the Notice of Intent
Answer- The following information must be included in the NOI:
1) The mailing address of the construction site. Where a mailing address
for the site is not available, the location of the approximate center of
the site must be described in terms of the latitude and longitude to the
nearest 15 seconds, or the section, township and range to the nearest
2) The name, address and telephone number of the operator(s) with day-
to-day operational control that have been identified at the time of the
NOI submittal, and operator-status as a Federal, State, private, public
or other entity (see Question #17 for definition of "operator"). Where
multiple operators have been selected at the time of the initial NOI
submittal, NOIs must be attached and submitted in the same envelope.
When an additional operator submits an NOI for a site with a preexisting
NPDES permit, the NOI for the additional operator must indicate the
number for the preexisting NPDES permit;
3) The name of the receiving water(s), or if the discharge is through a
municipal separate storm sewer, the name of the municipal operator of
the storm sewer and the ultimate receiving water(s);
4) The permit number of any NPDES permit(s) for any discharges
(including any storm water discharge or any non-storm water discharges)
from the site;
5) An indication of whether the operator has existing quantitative data
which describes the concentration of pollutants in storm water
discharges (existing data should not be included as part of the NOI);
6) An estimate of project start and completion dates, estimates of the
number of acres of the site on which soil will be disturbed and a
certification that a storm water pollution prevention plan has been
prepared for the site and such plan provides cons compliance with
approved State and/or local sediment and erosion plans or permits and/or
storm water management plans or permits. (A copy of the plans or permits
should not be included with the NOI submission).