Structural Controls
Sites with common drainage locations that serve 10 or more disturbed
acres must install a sediment basin where it is attainable (where a
basin is not attainable, sediment traps, silt fence or other equivalent
measures must be installed). Sediment basins must provide 102 m3 (3,600
cubic feet) of storage per acre drained. Drainage locations which serve
less than 4 disturbed hectares (10 acres) must install either a sediment
basin, sediment trap or silt fence along the down slope and side slope
Storm Water Management Controls
The permittee must consider installing measures (storm water detention
structures, infiltration measures, etc,) to control pollutants after
construction is complete. Velocity dissipation devices must be installed
in outfall channels to prevent erosive conditions.
Other Controls
The plan must ensure that solid materials are not carried by storm
water into the receiving waters.
Measures must be taken to prevent construction vehicles from tracking
soil off the construction site, and to reduce dust generation at the
construction site. The operator must comply with State and/or local
sanitary sewer or septic system regulations.
Other Requirements
State and Local Programs - Where State and Local programs for sediment
and erosion control, storm waste management or site permits exist, the
pollution prevention plan must certify that the plan reflects and is in
compliance with the requirements of the applicable State or local
Inspection/Maintenance - Operator personnel must inspect the
construction site at least once every 7 days and within 24 hours of a
rainfall of 13 mm (0.5 inches) or more. Areas with sites that have been
finally stabilized or sites that are located in arid or semi-arid areas
must be inspected at least once a month. The inspector must prepare a
report documenting his/her findings on the conditions of the controls
and stabilized areas.
Signature - The plan must be signed by a responsible official such as
the president, vice president or general partner.
Question #15 - Should the storm n water
pollution prevention plan be
submitted with the Notice of Intent (NOI) for EPA approval?
Answer - No. The plan must be developed prior to submission of the NOI but
should not be submitted with the NOI. EPA will not review or approve the
Question #16 -
Where is the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan kept?
Answer - The plan is to be kept at the construction site during the entire
construction period.