limited to those types consistent with local practice. If submitted,
plans are required to be submitted in a timely manner to allow officials
a reasonable period of time to review but not to exceed 30 days. Other
local or state offices may need to review VA construction projects.
e. Construction Inspections: Local building department officials will be
permitted to conduct construction inspections of VA construction
projects in accordance with the customary schedule used in that
jurisdiction over VA projects. Local officials must provide a copy of
such schedule to VA before construction or alteration of the building
has begun. Local officials must also give a reasonable notice of their
intent to conduct any inspection before actually conducting the
f. Due Consideration of Local Recommendations: Local building codes,
zoning laws, etc., may have unique requirements due to local conditions
which should be incorporated into the building design and construction.
However, local building department officials do not have jurisdiction
over VA construction projects. All recommendations should be evaluated
to assist VA in achieving code compliance. Public Laws on other specific
topics affecting building construction may require compliance with local
or state requirements.
3. In order to implement the requirements of Public Law 100-678, the
following VA organizational elements have responsibility for consulting
with local officials, submitting plans when requested and coordinating
construction inspections for delegated VA construction projects: facility
directors (including directors of medical centers, supply depots, data
processing centers, cemeteries, and VBA regional offices of the supporting
medical center) for all projects including non-recurring maintenance,
cemetery general operating expenses, minor, minor miscellaneous, and
delegated majors. Engineering service chiefs are responsible for actually
contacting local officials. FM project managers will assume these
responsibilities for all non-delegated major construction projects, and FM
resident engineers will coordinate construction inspections.
4. The requirements of Public Law 100-678 apply to any construction project
that has been or will be funded for construction after September 30, 1989
(FY 90).
5. No action can be taken against VA nor can any fine or penalty be imposed
against VA for failure to meet the requirements of Public Law 100-678 nor
for failure to carry out any recommendations made by local officials. VA
nor any of our contractors are required to pay any amount for any action
taken by local officials to carry out the law's sections for reviewing
plans, conducting construction inspections, or making recommendations.