side of the sheet. Lettering on drawings shall be minimum 32 mm (1/8
inch) high.
The contract drawings shall include those listed below. For uniformity,
drawings shall be arranged in the order listed.
(a) General Notes, Abbreviations and Symbols.
(b) VA Standard Equipment Schedules. Include schedules for existing air
handling units, fans, pumps, etc., that will require alteration or
(c) VA Standard Details and other necessary details.
(d) Flow Diagrams for Air Supply, Return and Exhaust for each HVAC
(e) Temperature Control Diagrams and Sequence of Operation for all HVAC
Systems, including "Sequence of Operation" written on the drawings
alongside the control diagrams.
(f) Flow and Control Diagrams for Chilled Water and Hot Water Systems.
Flow diagrams shall show entire system on a single drawing. See Article
2.12.13 for Documentation Requirements.
(g) Flow and Control Diagrams for Refrigeration Systems.
(h) Flow and Control Diagrams for Steam and Condensate Piping Systems.
(i) Riser Diagrams for chilled water, hot water, drain, steam and
condensate and supply air, return air and exhaust air systems where
applicable. Required flow diagrams may eliminate the need for riser
(j) Demolition of existing HVAC work, if applicable. Minor demolition
may be shown on new construction drawings. Extensive demolition
requires drawings for demolition only.
(k) Floor Plans 1:100 (1/8" = 1'-0") for Equipment, Piping and
(l) Floor Plans and Sections 1:50 (1/4" = 1'-0") for Mechanical Rooms.
(m) Floor Plans 1:50 (1/4" = 1'-0") for Mechanical Chases at each floor
showing ducts, dampers, piping and plumbing.
(n) Sections shall be shown, as required, to clarify installation,
especially thru areas of possible conflict. Show all the equipment
including plumbing and electrical.
(o) Room numbers and names shall be shown on HVAC plans at every review
stage including schematic submissions. Where there is insufficient room
on HVAC floor plans to show room names, room numbers only may be shown
on the floor plan with the room numbers and names tabulated on the