(2) Provide capability to maintain 29 degrees C (85 degrees F) in
Dialysis and Chemotherapy rooms all year-round.
(3) Provide capability to maintain 32 degrees C (90 degrees F) and 35
percent RH in Rheumatoid Arthritis rooms year-round.
(4) Provide capability to maintain 32 degrees C (90 degrees F) and 95
percent RH in Burn Units.
(5) All other areas, not specifically mentioned above but scheduled to
be mechanically cooled and heated, shall have the summer indoor design
conditions of 25 degrees C (78 degrees F) Db and 50 percent RH and
winter indoor design conditions of 22 degrees C (72 degrees F) Db and 30
percent RH.
(6) Depending upon the weather conditions, winter humidification may be
deleted from non-patient areas upon a review and an approval by the VA.
(b) Small electrical closets and telephone closets without the heat
producing equipment, such as, transformers and electronic panels with
data processing boards need not be heated, cooled or ventilated.
(c) Small storage rooms, with areas less than 5.6 Sq M (60 Sq Ft), also
need not be heated, cooled or ventilated.
(d) Offices, subsistence storage rooms, and storage for X-ray films and
pharmaceuticals located in warehouses shall be mechanically cooled to
maintain 25 degrees C (78 degrees F) in summer.
(e) Supply sufficient air quantity to maintain the space humidity in
Therapeutic Pools within the limit of 60 percent RH maximum as
specified in the ASHRAE Handbook.
(f) Bathrooms and toilets do not require individual room temperature
control in cooling mode. However, a terminal heating device and the
temperature control would be required for congregate baths and the
exterior bathrooms/toilets.
(g) Do not provide any room temperature control for ETO MER, Steam
Sterilizer MER and Warehouse for maintaining summer indoors
temperatures. Ventilate ETO/Steam Sterilizer MERs by drawing room air
from clean areas. Select air volume to limit temperature rise in these
MERs to -9 degrees C (15 degrees F) above room temperature. See
Article 3.20 for SPD Requirements.
(h) If elevator machine rooms require lower indoor temperatures for
proper functioning of the electronic equipment, mechanical cooling
shall be investigated and provided, in accordance with the elevator
manufacturer's recommendations. See Article 2.10.5 for additional
1.3.4 SUPPLY AIR REQUIREMENTS (Mechanical Cooling)
The conditioned air shall be supplied to areas at the minimum air
changes/hour noted below in Table 1-2. Air quantities could be more due
to cooling loads or exhaust requirements of equipment or hoods.