a. What are the laboratory results in the last several rounds of
asbestos test samples in the Quality Assurance program? Were there
any asbestos outliners (results that were outside the allowable
b. What analytical methods will be used for bulk and airborne asbestos
samples? What are the NIOSH or EPA method numbers that will be
9. What air sampling and testing equipment is to be used? Does the
consultant currently have the equipment? Are records of calibration
10. Does the consultant have a written Quality Assurance and Quality Control
b. Are all reports reviewed and signed by a CIH?
c. Are there Standard Operating Procedures for performing field surveys?
For bulk samples? For air samples?
11. Does the consultant have sufficient Workers' Compensation, and other
insurance? Define Limits of Coverage, Policy Exclusions, General
Liability and Errors and Omissions Professional Liability. Submit a copy
of the certificates.
12. To which professional organizations does the consultant belong?
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), etc.
13. Is the IH/CIH Consultant willing/able to serve as an exert witness if
required as a result of the project? What experience does the consultant
have as an expert witness?
14. Does the IH/CIH Consultant have experience and ability to provide
complete asbestos abatement contract documents?