In developing your preliminary design, give special attention to
conditions where a new structure joins an existing structure.
Immediately inform the project manager if you find that the
existing building's floor-to-floor heights are inadequate.
CHANGES DURING DESIGN: Do not withhold proposals for changes in
plan arrangement, materials of construction, or architectural
design for the periodic scheduled reviews. On the contrary,
discuss them with the project manager by telephone,
correspondence, or drawings as soon as they are sufficiently
developed for consideration.
Coordinate all contract documents not only to ensure coverage
but also to eliminate contradictions and duplications.
To avoid conflicts over ambiguous terms and statements, use
identical terms on drawings and specifications. The "roofing
system" in the specifications shall not become a "built-up
roof" on the drawings.
The drawings and specifications shall be complete, clear, and
complementary. The A/E must bear in mind that the
construction contractor only agrees to produce the buildings
and appurtenances depicted on the drawings and described in
the specifications. All that can be expected of him is
satisfactory performance within the precise scope of the
contract documents. The A/E is responsible for coordinating
the various documents to eliminate ambiguous requirements.
REVIEWS: Your contract includes designated specific intervals for
review of the development of your work. These reviews are joint
consultations to exchange information, reconcile differing views
on objectives, judge the quality and completeness at each stage,
assure that previously noted review comments have been
incorporated, and warn of unacceptable departures from criteria or
standards during the development of design. They are not for the
purpose of discovering errors or omissions in detail. The
quality, accuracy and completeness of the contract documents
remain your responsibility. See VA Program Guide PG-18-15, A/E
Submission Instructions.
SEISMIC DESIGN: In seismic areas, design shall follow local codes
and prevailing practices.
COLOR RENDERINGS: Renderings shall show the true colors of the
materials to be used in the construction of the project and the
entourage, road systems, and planting groups incorporated in the
site and landscaping plans in sufficient detail to predict the
final appearance of the project. Show all penthouses,
architectural screens, roof enclosures, skylights, stacks, and
breechings that will be visible from the station point by accurate
perspective projection. Show roof-mounted equipment unless hidden
by architectural screens. On aerial perspectives, show major
masses of mechanical equipment located behind architectural
screens in block form. If exact size, color and appearance of
exposed roof-mounted equipment is not known, show as accurate as
possible or a drawing of similar equipment. Mount the rendering(s)
on AO series 1189 mm by 841 mm (30" high by 40" wide) bristol
board mat. Provide borders of 125 mm (5") at the top and sides
and 150 mm (6") at the bottom. All lettering should be placed on
the mat rather than on the rendering.