Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery System
additions or changes to this standard or the appendices should include hard
copy and documentation and adhere to the applicable standards herein.
C. Applicability
This manual is applicable to all NCS CADD and field operation activities.
Any discipline not specifically covered within this manual should follow the
standards as defined in Part 2 of the Tri-Service AEC CADD Standards
Manual dated April 1995. This manual may be obtained by contacting:
Waterways Experiment Station CEWES-IM-DA
Mr. Stephen Spangler
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199
II. Multiple Platforms and Application Considerations
A. Platforms
All CADD data shall be supplied to NCS in the latest version of Intergraph
Corporation's, MicroStation CADD software. The contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring that all files (base files, reference files, cell libraries)
are compatible (without translation) with the NCS's CADD system,
MicroStation 32 or MicroStation PC.
The three (3) basic types of platforms which now operate Intergraph
proprietary software are the Intergraph UNIX work stations, Microsoft
Windows NT, and MS-DOS compatible personal computers (PC's). These
platforms operate with either MicroStation 32 (UNIX), or MicroStation PC
(DOS). Regardless of the platform, the Intergraph file format is the same.
This binary compatibility means that reference files and font and cell libraries
can be directly transferred from each system without translation. The
software for each of these platforms is not identical. File naming conventions
must address the limitations of DOS. MS-DOS will accept file names with a
maximum length of eight characters plus the three-character extension. The
extension for Intergraph design files is .dgn (e.g., filename.dgn). Most
importantly, file naming conventions should remain consistent within NCS,
and the three-character file name extensions should be as shown from the
following chart:
NCS CADD Standards Manual
August 1995