1. This document contains information and minimum submission requirements
for the preparation of contract documents required in the A/E contract.
2. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may contract with an
Architect/Engineer (A/E) for any portion of national cemetery design: Master Plan,
Schematics, Design Development, Construction Documents, As-Built Drawings, or
a combination of these. For cemetery projects where VA is contracting with the A/E
for Design Development and/or Construction Documents only, VA will provide the
Master Plan, a Concept Plan, or Schematics to accompany the Scope of Work for
the project.
1. The A/E is responsible for the quality, accuracy and completeness of the
contract documents that shall meet or exceed the requirements of this document.
2. The A/E is responsible for coordinating the various documents to eliminate
errors and omissions and for producing a complete set of drawings and
specifications in accordance with standard professional practices and VA criteria.
The drawings and specifications shall be complete, clear, and complementary. The
A/E must use identical terms on drawings and specifications to avoid conflicts over
ambiguous terms and statements. A "built-up roof" on the drawings shall not be
referred to as "roofing system" in the specifications. Each A/E discipline shall
receive a copy of the NCA Facilities Design Guide, VA standard details, and
construction standards.
3. The A/E is responsible to visit the site and verify all conditions. VA will
provide current "as-built" documents, if available. Where components indicated on
existing drawings are not correct, the A/E is to make whatever changes are
necessary to show the actual existing conditions.
1. Specific intervals are designated for review of the project work. These
reviews are joint consultations to exchange information, reconcile differing views on
meeting the objectives, judge the quality and completeness at each stage, ensure
that previously noted changes have been incorporated, and warn of unacceptable
departures from criteria or standards during the development of design.
2. There are Five Master Plan submission milestones (MP 1 - MP 5), two
Schematics (S1 & S2), two Design Development (DD 1 & DD 2), and one
Construction Document (CD 1) indicated in this handbook. The A/E shall date and
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume D
June 1999
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