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measurement-sensitive areas are converted.
a. A justification as to why the metric system of measurement was not used in developing the
specification/work statement for the subject solicitation.
b. An indication as to what initiatives are being taken to ensure the use of the metric system of
measurement in future specifications/work statements of this nature.
c. A tentative date as to when it is anticipated that hard metric measurements can be used in
specifications/work statements for future requirements of this nature.
d. Any comments on particular problems that you have encountered or anticipated in implementing
the metric system and/or any concerns expressed by contractors that you feel warrant the attention of the
Metric Executive or VA Metric Coordinator.
e. The head of the requesting VA activity shall approve the waiver.
f. A copy of the waiver to issue a non-metric solicitation will be forwarded to the VA Metric
Coordinator, VA Central Office.
9. INTERAGENCY COORDINATION. Interagency coordination of metrication activity within the
United States is the function of the following organizations:
a. Interagency Council on Metric Policy (ICMP). The ICMP provides for high-level coordination of
metric policy between Federal agencies. The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition
and Materiel Management (90) represents VA on this committee and may designate a high level
executive to be the alternate.
b. ICMP Metrication Operating Committee (MOC). The MOC coordinates appropriate interagency
metrication activities and is composed of Federal agency metric coordinators. The MOC undertakes
tasks assigned by the ICMP. The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel
Management (92A) represents VA on this committee. The VA Metric Coordinator shall be the member.
c. The MOC Steering Group. The Steering Group reviews special metric interest for presentation to
and undertakes tasks assigned by the ICMP and MOC. The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Acquisition and Materiel Management (92A) represents VA on this committee. Normally the MOC
representative is selected by the Department of Commerce to be a member of the group.
d. MOC Functional Area Subcommittees. Subcommittees are formed by the MOC to coordinate
specific functional areas. It is the responsibility of the submittees to keep department officials informed
of the metric progress being made by industry in each functional area and the impact to Federal
activities. MOC subcommittees exist in such functional areas as health care, construction, procurement
and supply, transportation, and consumer affairs. VA participates on the subcommittees with
representatives from the administrations and staff offices having direct interest in their activities. VA
chairs the MOC Health Care Subcommittee.
10. COORDINATION WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Because the private sector has an essential
role in the transition to the use of metric measurements, its needs and capabilities must be considered