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along with those of the Federal Government. The American National Metric Council (ANMC) and the
U.S. Metric Association (USMA) traditionally have been regarded as the principal representatives of
private sector metric interests, plans, and conversion actions. Federal agencies, including VA, work
closely with the USMA and ANMC to aid in exchanging ideas, plans, and methods needed to fulfill the
intent of the Act. Coordination with other private sector organizations involved in metrication activities
may be beneficial.
a. Field facility directors will submit their reports to the appropriate Administration Head.
b. Administration Heads, Assistant Secretaries, and Other Key Officials shall submit to the Office of
Acquisition and Materiel Management (90), by November 22 of each year, a report for the past fiscal
year including:
(1) Significant metric information, kilometer stones (milestones), or accomplishments.
(2) Significant problems encountered in metric conversion.
(3) Any recommendations regarding VA metric program policy or activities, including actions
planned for the current fiscal year, to further implement the metric system.
(4) Other relevant information (e.g., significant savings, costs, experiences, or events).
c. VHA, VBA, and NCA Field Facility Directors and Veterans Integrated Service Network Directors
shall submit their annual metric reports as determined by VHA, VBA, and NCA policy.
d. The VA Metric Coordinator (92A) will consolidate the above reports into an annual VA Metric
Report. This report will be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and
Materiel Management (90) for approval. The report will then be submitted to the Department of
Commerce for consolidation with other department and agency reports for submission to Congress.
Reporting will cease in the year after VA's full implementation of the metric system.