the cost of metric aids, tools, equipment, and training. Significant cost savings resulting from metric
conversion also should be identified to the extent practical.
(6) New VA Federal Supply Schedule contracts shall encourage industry to provide products made to
metric dimensions.
(7) VA will begin to phase in the use of metric size paper, envelopes, and other related products.
(8) References to measurements in VA publications, forms, correspondence, and other published
material shall be in metric as the primary measurement. Only when necessary will the inch/pound
measurement be used in parentheses after the metric measurement.
(9) VA will use metric weights and measurements in its transportation requirements and bills of
lading. Until the transportation industry becomes more adapted to the use of the metric system, VA may
use dual measurements.
(10) VA will inform and assist industry, especially small businesses, as they voluntarily convert to the
metric system. VA must work with other Federal agencies and states to encourage essential small
businesses to transition to the metric system. Local notifications should be provided to the
industry/private sector informing them of VA's intentions for converting procurements, grants, and other
business-related measurements to metrics.
(11) VA will review all activities, projects, and programs to determine if they contain measurement-
sensitive areas. All measurement-sensitive areas shall be further reviewed for conversion to the metric
system. Any concerns or barriers that would prevent VA from converting to metrics will be identified
and reported if elimination of these adversities cannot be accomplished.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel Management
(90) will ensure that a metric program is established within the Office of Acquisition and Materiel
Management. This office will continue to review, develop, and issue Departmentwide guidance and
support for completing the transition to the metric system of measurement within VA.
a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel Management (90) is designated the
Metric Executive and will:
(1) Ensure VA's implementation of the Act.
(2) Provide VA representation to the Interagency Council on Metric Policy.
(3) Establish VA policy for use of the metric system of measurement and approve or disapprove
deviations from that policy.
(4) Ensure appropriate VA office representation on the Metric Operating Committee (MOC).
(5) Appoint a VA Metric Coordinator and designate the Coordinator to serve on the MOC.
(6) Appoint a person to chair the VA Metric Task Group/Committee.
(7) Review, monitor, and approve waivers or delays in implementing metric usage within VA.