June 21, 1993
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (420)
(c) Play/Activity Area - an area for floor play, wheel toys, etc. Space for cubbies
(individual storage units that provide from 0.03 - 01 cubic meters (1-4 cubic ft.) of
storage) is included.
(d) Diapering Area - an area for diaper changing and diaper bag storage with direct
access to a toilet.
(e) Toilet - staff facilities adjacent to the diapering area.
(f) Storage Room - this room is for storing crib linens and general supplies required in
everyday care giving activities.
(2) Crib Area (Number of children
x 1.9 NSM (20 NSF)
Sleeping area to accommodate one crib for each infant, including escape cribs.
b. Pretoddler (Number of children
x 3.3 NSM (35 NSF))
(6 to 18 months)
(1) Child Activity Areas and Functional Support
(a) Crawl Area - provides a s oft surface for floor play.
(b) Feeding and Food Preparation
(c) Interest Center - provides an area for imaginative play, e.g., blocks/construction,
manipulative toys, etc.
(d) Diapering Area
(e) Toilet
(f) Storage Room
(2) Crib Area (Number of children
x 1.9 NSM (20 NSF)).
c. Toddler (Number of children
x 3.3 NSM (35 NSF))
(18 months - 3 years)
(1) Child Activity Areas and Functional Support
(a) Interest Center - area for imaginative play.
(b) Diapering Area
(c) Storage Room
(d) Toilets - these are training facilities separated by half-height walls.
(e) In-room Lavatory - located outside toilet facilities.
(f) Storage - an area for storing cots or pads when nap time is over.
(g) Staff Toilet