VA HANDBOOK 7610 (278)
(5) Conference Room
NOTE: Total conference space may be divided into smaller meeting rooms
(e.g., 13.9 NSM (150 NSF)) conveniently located near the
laboratory units.
(a) Less than 5 Investigators .......................................................................................... None
(Add a 13.9 NSM (150 NSF) meeting room only when R&D is in a building separate
from the VAMC.)
(b) 5 to 35 Investigators .................................................................................................. 27.9 NSM (300 NSF)
(c) Over 35 Investigators ................................................................................................ 41.8 NSM (450 NSF)
(6) Office Equipment Room
The space provided will accommodate a fax machine, staff mail box units,
equipment for sorting and storage, as well as duplication equipment.
(a) Less than 5 Investigators ............................................................................................ 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
(b) 5 to 35 Investigators ................................................................................................... 15.3 NSM (165 NSF)
(c) Over 35 Investigators ................................................................................................. 20.4 NSM (220 NSF)
(7) Staff Break Room:
Lounge Space
Number of Investigators
Up to 15 ........................................................................................................................ 1 @ 11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
16 to 35 ......................................................................................................................... 2 @ 11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
Over 35 ......................................................................................................................... 1 @ 11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
1 @ 16.7 NSM (180 NSF)
(8) Staff Shower ............................................................................................................... 7.0 NSM ( 75 NSF)
(Provided only when R&D is located in a building physically separate from the
(Provides a private area in which an employee who has had a laboratory accident
(e.g., acid spill) can disrobe and wash, either alone or with assistance.)
(9) Staff Toilet Rooms
(a) Toilet Room Fixtures/Space:
1. 1 watercloset + 1 lavatory ......................................................................................... 4.7 NSM ( 50 NSF)
2. 1 watercloset + 1 lavatory + 1 urinal ...................................................................... 10.6 NSM (114 NSF)
3. 2 waterclosets + 2 lavatories ...................................................................................... 12.5 NSM (135 NSF)
4. 2 waterclosets + 2 lavatories + 2 urinals .................................................................... 14.5 NSM (156 NSF)
(b) Determine the number male and female staff:
1. Total number of male staff = total staff x percentage male.
2. Total number of female staff = total staff x percentage female.