VA HANDBOOK 7610 (278)
Criteria approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on ________ __,1995.
a. Research and Development (R&D) encompasses the investigation of biomedical problems and hypotheses related to
human health, diseases, defects and handicaps, as well as the systematic study of problems and hypotheses related to the
delivery of health care. It is composed of three elements: Biomedical Research, Health Services Research and Development,
and Rehabilitation Research and Development. The research program is intermural and is conducted by investigators at the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities.
NOTE: Investigator - For space planning criteria purposes, an investigator is defined as individual who meets
eligibility requirements and receives a minimum of ,000 in peer reviewed funding in support of an approved Department
of Veterans Affairs (VA) research project.
The three areas in Research and Development are as follows:
(1) Biomedical Research includes any study undertaken to test a hypothesis related to the etiology, pathogenesis, natural
history, prevention, amelioration, or cure of human diseases or deformities in their biochemical, biophysical, psychological,
and clinical aspects.
(2) Health Services Research and Development encompasses the continuing inquiry toward the improvement,
development, replacement or discontinuance of health care delivery systems or subsystems, with specific emphasis on the
responsiveness to patient needs and the quality of care provided.
(3) Rehabilitation Research and Development is the investigation of design, function, and application of artificial
appliances and/or substances used in the restoration of structure or function of parts of the human body.
b. Refer to Chapter 406, Environmental Management Service Administration, to determine the number of Housekeeping
Aids Closets (HAC).
3. PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Issues to be resolved prior to space development.)
a. Will the R&D facility be separate from the main hospital?
b. Administration Area:
(1) Staffing projections by category and percentages of males and females, include FTEE Without Compensation (WOC)
(2) AsCMD for Research and Development approval for inclusion of any of the following special staff positions:
(a) Biosafety Officer
(b) QA (Quality Assurance) Coordinator
(c) Systems Administrator
(d) Virology Safety Officer
(3) Medical Center Clinical Mission Category