VA HANDBOOK 7610 (278)
(d) Storage, General......................................................................................................... 18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
per Room
These rooms will serve the entire research facility with supplies, chemicals,
glassware, and paper products. The rooms should be located throughout
biomedical research.
Number of
of Rooms
Up to 20
21 to 40
41 to 60
61 to 80
Over 80
(10) Waste Storage Facilities
The following space requirements apply to an R&D facility integrated into the
medical center. When R&D is in a facility separate from the medical center, a
Waste Management Center may be required. The components and space for the
center will be determined on an individual project basis.
(a) Radioactive Waste Storage Room .......................................................................... 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
Provides a temporary holding area for radioactive waste until it can be moved to
the primary radioactive waste storage site established by the medical center's
radioactive waste disposal plan.
(b) Biohazardous Waste Storage Room ....................................................................... 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
Provides a temporary holding area for biohazardous waste until it can be disposed
of according to local regulations regarding the removal of biohazardous wastes.
(c) Recyclable Waste Storage Room ............................................................................ 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
Provides a temporary holding area for recycling bins for paper, glass, etc.
(11) Housekeeping Aids Closet (HAC) ............................................................................ 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
The required number of HACs and their location will be determined on an individual
project basis. Refer to Chapter 406, Environmental Management Service,
c. Health Services Research and Development
(1) Office, Investigator .................................................................................................... 13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
(2) Office, Secretary ......................................................................................................... 11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
(3) Office, Management Analyst .................................................................................... 11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
(4) Data Analysis Equipment/Workroom Space
Space requirements will be determined on an individual project basis.
d. Rehabilitation Research and Development
Office and laboratory space requirements will be determined on an individual project