January 11, 1990
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (268)
(b) Storage, Investigational Drugs (Up to 2500 prescriptions)................................................. 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
(C) For each additional 100 Investigational drug prescriptions, add ........................................ 0.9 NSM ( 10 NSF)
(Maximum =
27.9 NSM (300 NSF)
(Add when not listinng Chemotherapy Agent Preparation Room, Ambulatroy Care.)
(a) Preparation Area .......................................................................................................................16.7 NSM (180 NSF)
(b) Reference Area .......................................................................................................................... 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
(c) Storage and Clean/Decontamination Area ............................................................................ 5.6 NSM ( 60 NSF)
(Waste Management Control)
(6) Medication Preparation Areas
(One per patient care floor)
An area on each N.U. floor or in a particular functional location where medications
are dispensed, cassette transfers are made and some IVs are prepared, providing
immediate responsiveness to the using service by pharmacy personnel.
(a) Unit Dose Dispensing ................................................................................................................ 12.5 NSM (135 NSF)
(b) Stat Counter ............................................................................................................................... 6.0 NSM ( 65 NSF)
(c) Support Area ............................................................................................................................... 11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
(d) Drug Utilization Re view .......................................................................................................... 6.5 NSM ( 70 NSF)
(7) Data Processing Area (Workstation) ....................................................................................... 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
(CRT Video Display Terminal(s) and Printer(s))
(8) Housekeeping Aids Closet.......................................................................................................... 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
(If the Inpatient and Outpatient Pharmacies are in two separate locations, locate one
closet in each area.)
(9) Staff Lockers, Lounge And Toilets ........................................................................................... See Chapter 410, LLTS
(10) Spinal Cord Injury (Sci) Patient Care Unit, Outpatient Pharmacy Area......................... See Chapter 104, SCI
a. Figures 268.F1 through F3 provides the intrafunctional relationships within Pharmacy Service.
b. Figures 268.F4 and F5 provides a relationship (location) chart between pharmacy service and other health facility
departments or services where interaction can be expected.
c. Figure 268.F6 provides a distribution mode for centralized and decentralize pharmacy system.
d. Ideally, a dedicated vertical transport system will be provided between the Inpatient Pharmacy and the Pharmacy's
Medication Preparation Are as on each patient care unit floor.
e. Careful consideration must be afforded in the design of all pharmacy space with respect to security. Particular
emphasis must be given to areas that house controlled substances. The standard for alarm systems, wall and window
reinforcements, and vault construction are delineated in Construction Standard
f. Flammable storage will be located in the Controlled Substance Vault and Secured Dispensing Area.