January 11, 1990
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (268)
(8) Intravenous Admixture And Aseptic Transfer Room -
An IV admixture requires the addition of prescribed medication to an IV solution.
The preparation takes place in a clean environment workstation using aseptic
transfer techniques.
(a) Workstation .................................................................................................................................NSM = FCF X 0.0037
(NSF = FCF X 0.04
18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
Should the majority of the beds be psychiatric, allow only 16.7 NSM (180 NSF)
(b) Freezer Space............................................................................................................................... 3.3 NSM ( 35 NSF)
(9) Storage, Sterile Fluids And Admixture Sets - This is the storage area for the
supplies necessary for the IV admixture program and distribution point to the wards
for automatic replenishment of the IV and irrigation solutions and administration
(a) 83.6 NSM (900 NSF) for the first 4000 doses plus the number of doses above 4000
multiplied by 0.08.
(b) Should the majority of the beds be psychiatric, allow only 55.7 NSM (600 NSF).
(10) Refrigeration/Freezer Area
Up to 400 beds ............................................................................................................................. 6.5 NSM ( 70 NSF)
401 to 650 beds ............................................................................................................................. 9.8 NSM (105 NSF)
Over 650 beds ............................................................................................................................. 13.0 NSM (140 NSF)
(11) Storage, Active ...........................................................................................................................NSM = FCF = 0.0046
(NSF = FCF x 0.05)
All drug items which must be available for stocking, dispensing, repacking, and
manufacturing area stored here.
(12) Storage, Cart .............................................................................................................................. 1 cart/20 beds
This is the holding area for carts required for the distribution of drugs to the using
(a) 1st Cart ........................................................................................................................................... 0.9 NSM ( 10 NSF)
(b) Additional Carts ........................................................................................................................... 0.5 NSM ( 5 NSF)
(13) Storage, Poison Control ............................................................................................................ 1.9 NSM ( 20 NSF)
(Could be combined with Drug Information Service see d(1)(d))