VA HANDBOOK 7610 (268)
January 11, 1990
c. Outpatient Pharmacy
(If automated dispensing machinery is utilized an appropriate reduction in space
requirements will result. The space will be determined on a project by project basis.)
(1) Prescription Receiving ...............................................................................................................13.0 NSM (140 NSF)
This space, adjacent to the waiting area, is where patients present their prescriptions
for filling. The perimeter includes the security window and pass-through
compartments or the especially designated stations used in the open concept.
(2) Filing And Assembly
This area is contiguous to the prescription receiving area. The functions performed
here include: receiving the prescription, retrieving the patient profile package,
typing the label, attaching all the above together, and holding them for the
pharmacist. The used of the computerized program requires integrated space to
include the assigned CRT and printer units.
(a) Up to 100,000 prescriptions ........................................................................................................ 5.6 NSM ( 60 NSF)
(b) For each additional 100,000 prescriptions or any fraction thereof, add .............................. 5.6 NSM ( 60 NSF)
(3) Dispensing - The procedures required in completing the filing of prescriptions (e.g.,
pouring, counting, labeling, review) are perfo rmed here.
(a) Up to 100,000 prescriptions ........................................................................................................12.5 NSM (135 NSF)
(b) For each additional 100,000 prescriptions
or any fraction thereof, up to 600,000 ......................................................................................12.5 NSM (135 NSF)
(c) For each additional 100,000 prescriptions or any
fraction thereof, above 600,000, add ........................................................................................ 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
(4) Storage, Active - All drug items which must be available for maintaining the
dispensing area stored here.
(a) Up to 100,000 prescriptions ........................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
(b) For each additional 100,000 prescriptions or any fraction thereof, add ...............................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
(5) Prepackaging - Drugs are packaged in quantities consistent with the requirements
of the medication regimen as prescribed in the outpatient program.
(a) Up to 300,000 prescriptions ........................................................................................................12.5 NSM (135 NSF)
(b) Over 300,000 prescriptions .........................................................................................................25.1 NSM (270 NSF)
(6) Controlled Substances Storage And Secured Dispensing Area -
This is the vault and dispensing area for the drugs, identified by the Drug
Enforcement Agency, requiring separation from other medications due to high abuse
potential. The vault construction is to be in accordance with security standards for
these drugs.
(a) Up to 300,000 prescriptions ........................................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
(b) Over 300,000 prescriptions .........................................................................................................27.9 NSM (300 NSF)
(Add 9.3 NSM (100 NSF) if the warehouse doesn't receive and maintain
pharmaceutical storage.)