Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (265)
Washington, DC 20420
June 2006
Provide an additional 150 NSF if total OPC area (NSF) is between 30,000 and
39,999 NSF.
Provide an additional 300 NSF if total OPC area (NSF) is between 45,000 and
64,999 NSF.
Provide an additional 450 NSF if total OPC area (NSF) is between 65,000 and
99,999 NSF.
Provide an additional 600 NSF if total OPC area (NSF) is between 100,000 and
Provide an additional 750 NSF if total OPC area (NSF) is between 150,000 and
199,999 NSF.
Provide an additional 900 NSF if total OPC area (NSF) is 200,000 NSF or greater.
For single-level facility divide total Storage NSF equally and provide one room per
51,000 NSF; no room less than 100 NSF.
For multi-level facility, divide total Storage NSF equally provide one room per floor;
no room less than 100 NSF.
4. Housekeeping Aids Closet-HAC (JANC1) .............................. 40 NSF (3.7 NSM)
Provide one per every whole increment of 13,000 total OPC NSF.
Do not duplicate space provided with each service.
5. Soiled Linen Cart Storage Room (LCSL1) ............................ 100 NSF (9.3NSM)
Provide one per Environmental Management Service.
6. Clean Linen Cart Storage Room (LCCL1) ............................ 100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Provide one per Environmental Management Service.
7. Infectious / Hazardous Waste (SRHM1) ............................. 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Environmental Management Service.
8. Recyclable Waste (UTC01).................................................. 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Environmental Management Service.
9. Dumpsters (UTC01) ............................................................. 150 NSF (13.9 NSM)
Provide one per Environmental Management Service.
Refer to VHA Space Planning Criteria Chapter 233 for supplemental information.
A. Mission Input Data Statements
1. How many additional Exam / Treatment Rooms are projected? (Provide justification)
B. Staffing Input Data Statements
1. Is a Blind Rehabilitation (VIST) Counselor positions authorized? (S)
. How many MDs and ODs are projected? (S)
Outpatient Clinic (Chapter 265): Page 33 of 65