Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Handbook 7610 (262)
Washington, DC 20420
June 2006
28. How many administrative staff positions will require a private office? (S)
29. How many FTE administrative staff positions will require a cubicle? (S)
30. How many FTE Advice Nurse positions are authorized? (S)
31. How many FTE clerk positions are authorized? (S)
32. How many FTE professional staff (dietician, pharmacist, Women's Health managers,
etc) positions are authorized? (S)
Residency Program (Education)
33. How many resident (serving as provider at peak shift) FTE positions are authorized?
34. How many student FTE positions are authorized? (S)
D. Miscellaneous Input Data Statements:
1. Will a VA's Security Police Station be located near the Ambulatory Care Clinic?
A. Reception Areas
1. Waiting, General (WRC01)..................................................... 100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Minimum NSF. If ACAP Level S or M, multiply the projected number of annual
outpatient visits times 0.004 to calculate the number of seats. If ACAP Level L,
multiply the projected number of annual outpatient visits times 0.0026 to calculate
the total number of seats. Provide 25 NSF for 20% of the calculated total number of
seats for accessible seating, and 15 NSF for 80% of the calculated total number of
seats for standard seating. Add calculated area from H. Disposition Area.
Area includes circulation space among the seats and in front of the reception
counter, and space for magazine racks, planters, etc. Sub-waiting for Women
Veterans, if applicable, and H. Disposition Area are included in this area calculation.
2. Toilet, Male (TLTM1) ................................................................ 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Multiply the calculated NSF of General Waiting Area (including H.
Disposition Area) times 0.044 to calculate the number of men users. Provide 150
NSF if between 11 and 25; provide 205 NSF if between 26 and 50; provide 260 NSF
if between 51 and 75; provide 310 NSF if between 76 and 100. Provide 80 NSF for
each additional increment of 50 projected men users greater than 100.
3. Toilet, Female (TLTF1)............................................................. 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Multiply the calculated NSF of General Waiting Area (including H.
Disposition Area) times 0.022 to calculate the number of women users. Provide 150
NSF if between 11 and 25; provide 205 NSF if between 26 and 50; provide 260 NSF
if between 51 and 75; provide 310 NSF if between 76 and 100. Provide 80 NSF for
each additional increment of 35 projected women users greater than 100.
4. Patient Education Kiosk / Alcove (CLSC2) ............................ 30 NSF (2.8 NSM)
Provide one per Ambulatory Care Clinic.
5. Patient Education Conference Room (CTA01) .................. 250 NSF (23.3 NSM)
Ambulatory Care (Hospital Based) (262):-Page 9 of 31