August 20, 1986
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (240)
others. Adaptability in interior space means that even walls should be movable in areas where expansion is likely to occur, or
workload is likely to alter space requirements due to changes in technology.
b. In new construction the laboratory may be arranged in a radial pattern with or without subdivision into the traditional
disciplines. Rapid turnaround time equipment should be in the Immediate Response Laboratory, with other equipment located
toward the periphery. The more distant portions of the laboratory should be closed off after the daily routine is completed, and
work should be clustered near the specimen accessioning and Immediate Response (STAT) areas to provide a more efficient
workflow for technical staff during nonroutine hours.
c. Refer to H-08-1, Master Construction Specifications, for special considerations in design that must be given to
electrical, air-conditioning, ventilation and mechanical aspects of laboratory construction.
d. Gas, air and vacuum are no longer required in Chemistry and Hematology. Gas may still be required in some
Microbiology Laboratories. Fixed gas, air vacuum outlets are no longer needed at the work stations and should be eliminated
since they are seldom used. Where needed, vacuum and air may be supplied by small portable pumps and gas amy be
supplied in small pressurized cylinders.
e. Critical Clearances
(1) Provide a minimum of 1525 mm (5') between laboratory work benches.
(2) Provide a minimum of 1525 mm (5') between the end of a lab work bench and the nearest piece of equipment.
f. Figure 240.F4 provides a matrix to show interfunctional relationships between the electron microscopy suite and other
hospital services.
g. Figure 240.F6 provides a matrix to show critical interfunctional relationships between the autopsy suite and other
hospital services.