Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 206)
Washington, DC 20420
December, 2006
This space consists of a seating area for patients, employees/staff, volunteers,
visitors, and students, and a condiment and water station. Circulation within the
space is included. The dining room should be located adjacent to the food
serving area and the kitchen, and to the Retail Store. Exterior views are desirable.
Tables and chairs are preferred to fixed booths. Separate dining areas for Staff
are discouraged.
J. Vending
Vending Machine Area (BX001) ........................................... 250 NSF (23.2 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 250 NSF if the total projected
number of FTE positions authorized for this facility is between 750 and
2000. Provide an additional 500 NSF if the total projected number of
FTE positions authorized for this facility is greater than 2000.
Compliance with provisions of the Randolph-Sheppard Act is mandatory in new
VA space or major renovation projects greater than 15,000 NSF AND 100 FTEs
(See Paragraph 6 of this document for specific details and action required.) VA
must provide suitable space of at least 250 NSF. The SLA has 30 days to
indicate its interest in establishing a vending facility and must submit a permit
application. When an application is not approved, VA must inform the SLA in
writing of the decision and the reasons for the disapproval. VA is under no
obligation to displace existing facilities operated by the Veterans Canteen Service
(VCS) and any blinded vending operation will operate in competition with existing
VCS vending facilities. This area should be capable of being divided off from the
main cafeteria area and capable of being open 24/7.
K. Lockers, Lounges, Toilets
The following provides programming of Lounge, Lockers, and Toilets at
department/service/chapter level. Otherwise, sum all departments / services /
chapters data for Lockers, Lounges and Toilets, and program space in Chapter
410-EMS Lockers, Lounges, Toilets and Showers. Either/or do not duplicate
1. Locker Room, Staff (LR001) .................................................... 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Minimum NSF, for up to thirteen FTE. Provide an additional 6 NSF per FTE
position authorized greater than thirteen.
Program locker space only for those FTE who do not otherwise have an office or
2. Toilet, Staff (TLTU1) ................................................................. 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Minimum one. Divide the total FTE positions authorized by 15. Provide one addl
toilet for each additional whole increment of 5 authorized FTE positions.
L. Outpatient Clinics, Stand Alone
Canteen Service (Chapter 206): Page 233-12 of 18