Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 206)
Washington, DC 20420
December, 2006
Retail Area, Adapted for
Spinal Cord Injury Patients (BX001) ....................................... 720 NSF (67 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide minimum NSF or 2.7 NSF per each FTE position
authorized for the entire facility, whichever is greater.
Spinal cord patients in prone carts require wider aisles in order to access goods.
Housekeeping Aids Closet (HAC) (JANC1)............................. 40 NSF (3.7 NSM)
Provide one per Canteen Service.
C. Retail Concession
Retail Display and Storage (BX001)..................................... 150 NSF (14.0 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 150 NSF if the total number of FTE positions
authorized for this facility is between 750 and 2000. Provide an additional 300
NSF if the total number of FTE positions authorized for this facility is greater than
This is a separate lockable room adjacent to the Retail Store or the Cafeteria.
Outside vendors lease the space for the display and sale of merchandise.
D. Coffee Shop
Retail Area (XXYYZ) .............................................................. 250 NSF (23.3 NSM)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations.
Storage Room (SRE01) ........................................................... 100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations.
Space includes storage for sufficient food and supplies so that the shop needs to
be replenished only once daily.
Seating Area (FSCD1) ........................................................... 260 NSF (24.2 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide additional seating area only as justified by market study
on a project-by-project basis.
The Coffee Shop is located in high traffic areas, remote from the main VCS
E. Optical Shop
This area provides optical services to patients and other authorized VCS customers.
It may be located next to the VCS retail store or near the eye clinic. Do not duplicate
space provided in nearby Eye Clinic. Refer to VA Handbook 7610, Chapter 233, Eye
Clinic, for space criteria.
1. Eyeglass Fitting and Display,
Canteen Service (Chapter 206): Page 233-8 of 18