Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 206)
Washington, DC 20420
December, 2006
blind vendors for facilities on Federal properties. 20 U.S.C. Section 107a(a)(5).
These are called state licensing agencies (SLAs). Under the Act, Federal
agencies have a duty to extend to the SLAs an opportunity to seek space for blind
vendors to conduct business. Complying with the Act results, at some VHA
facilities, in allowing blind vendors to compete with the Veterans Canteen Service.
2. The R-S regulations prohibit building, acquiring or substantially altering facilities
that meet specified size and patronage requirements unless it is determined that
the design includes a satisfactory site or sites for a blind vendor. 34 C.F.R.
Sections 395.31(a) and (b). The regulatory provisions do not apply when fewer
than 100 Federal Government employees are or will be located during normal
working hours in the building to be acquired or otherwise occupied or when such
building contains less than 15,000 square feet of interior space to be used for
Federal Government purposes in the case of buildings in which services are to be
provided to the public. 34 C.F.R. Section 395.31(d). See See VA Directive 7632
attached (reissued May 15, 2002).
3. Responsibility for administering the R-S program has been assigned to the Chief
Facilities Management Officer (202-565-4173). Space negotiations and
commitments, infrastructure modifications, and electrical and plumbing support
are matters that develop between local facility management and the SLA. By
regulation, the permit issued to the SLA stipulates that agencies are responsible
for cleaning, maintaining and repairing the space surrounding the vending facility,
and that the vendors are responsible for sanitation, maintenance, and other
aspects of managing the vending equipment. At most sites where R-S permits
will be sought, the Veterans Canteen Service (VCS) may already be providing or
seeking to provide retail services, and coordination between local management
and local Canteen Service officials is essential.
Canteen Service (Chapter 206): Page 233-14 of 18