April 11, 1990
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (106)
(6) Occupational Activities Area
(a) Clinic Space ............................................................................................................................... 0.5 NSM ( 5 NSF) per bed
(27.9 NSM (300 NSF) Minimum)
(b) Storage Space - 50 beds or less ............................................................................................
Included in clinic space.
51 to 150 beds .....................................................................................
4.7 NSM ( 50 NSF)
151 to 200 beds ......................................... ............................................
5.6 NSM ( 60 NSF)
Over 200 beds ........................................... ............................................
7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
(7) General Storage .......................................................................................................................... 0.6 NSM ( 6 NSF) per bed
(33.5 NSM (360 NSF) Maximum)
(8) Resident Clothing and Luggage Storage Room .................................................................... 0.2 NSM ( 2 NSF) per bed
( 9.3 NSM (100 NSF) Minimum)
(9) Building Management Supplies and Equipment Storage Room ......................................... 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
(10) Soiled Linen Holding Area ....................................................................................................... 0.1 NSM ( 1.2 NSF) per bed
(Provided only when Nursing Home Care Unit is in separate building)
(11) Trash Collection ........................................................................................................................ 5.6 NSM ( 60 NSF)
(12) Oxygen Storage .......................................................................................................................... 3.3 NSM ( 36 NSF)
This updating of the Nursing Home Criteria incorporates the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards which must be met in
all project concepts of modular design and is also used as a basis for the prototypes.
a. Figure 106.F1 provides the intrafunctional relationships within the Nursing Home Care Unit.
b. Figure 106.F2 provides the intrafunctional relationship within the Nursing Home bed unit.
c. Figure 106.F3 and 106.4 provide a relationship (location) chart between the Nursing Home Care Unit and other health
facility departments or services where interaction can be expected.
d. When the Nursing Home Care Unit is within the hospital structure, it should be located on the ground floor. A
separate entrance and lobby should be provided if possible. If it is not possible to locate the nursing unit on the ground floor,
adequate elevator service and fire escapes should be provided.
e. Nursing Homes must conform to all Architectural Barrier requirements.
f. On each Nursing Unit, there should be a lavatory in each bedroom in addition to those in the toilet rooms.
g. When a loading platform is included in the project it will be built in accordance with VA Construction Standards 1-5 and