Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 100)
Washington, D.C. 20402
December 2006
14. Staff Lockers, Lounges, Toilets and Showers
The following provides programming of Lounge, Lockers, and Toilets at
department/service/chapter level. Otherwise, sum all departments/services/chapters
data for Lockers, Lounges and Toilets, and program space in Chapter 410-EMS
Lockers, Lounges, Toilets and Showers. Either/or do not duplicate space
a. Lounge, Staff (SL001)......................................................... 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Minimum NSF for five FTE, or 15 NSF per each FTE position authorized greater
than five. Maximum 210 NSF.
For less than five FTE combine Lounge facilities with adjacent department or
sum in Chapter 410.
b. Locker Room, Staff (LR001) .............................................. 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Minimum NSF, for five FTE, or greater. Provide an additional 6 NSF per
Technician FTE position authorized greater than thirteen.
For less than five FTE combine Locker Room facilities with adjacent department
or sum in Chapter 410.
c. Toilet, Staff (TLTU1) ........................................................... 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Minimum one. Divide the total FTE positions authorized by 15. Provide one addl
toilet for each additional whole increment of 5 authorized FTE positions.
E. Common Support Areas
1. Office, Social Worker (OFA01 / OFA02)............................... 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Social Worker FTE position authorized. (OFA01 for standard
furniture or OFA02 for systems furniture)
2. Office, Dietitian /
Clinical Pharmacist (OFA01 / OFA02).................................. 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Dietitian and Clinical Pharmacist FTE position authorized. (OFA01
for standard furniture or OFA02 for systems furniture)
3. Cubicle, Administrative (OFA03) ............................................. 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Provide one per Administrative Staff FTE position authorized.
4. Recycling Room (UTC01) ......................................................... 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations.
F. Residency Program
The spaces below provide programming of educational spaces at
department/service/chapter level. Alternatively, sum all departments/services data for
Residency Program, and program space in Chapter 402-Educational Facilities. Either/or
do not duplicate space.
1. House Staff Office / Work Room (WRCH1) ......................... 225 NSF (20.9 NSM)
Provide one for each MS&N Patient Care Unit type and if in Concept of Operations.
MS&N Patient Care Units (Chapter 100): Page 10 of 15