September 11, 2003
(10N). NOTE: Following the notification of the Deputy Under Secretary for Health for
Operations and Management, a thorough origin and cause analysis must be performed by the
facility and a written report submitted as soon as possible.
c. On-Site Reserve Fuel Requirements are Maintained. NOTE: Where unusual
conditions exist, the Medical Center Director, or qualified designee, may authorize deviations
from the storage quantity requirements. There must be a program of fuel testing and
maintenance, or replacement, to ensure that stored fuel remains suitable for burning.
(1) Facilities firing coal as the main fuel normally store a sufficient supply of fuel to meet
the normal demands of continuous operation for a period of 15 January days.
(2) Facilities firing oil as the main fuel must maintain a supply of fuel sufficient to meet the
normal demands of continuous operation for a period of 15 January days. Plants that generate
less than 50 percent of their annual steam demand by natural gas for 2 consecutive years are to
be considered as burning oil only.
(3) Facilities firing natural gas as the main fuel with oil or propane back-up normally
maintain a sufficient supply of back-up fuel to meet the normal demands of continuous
operations for a period of 10 January days.
NOTE: Fuel storage must be re-evaluated annually against actual fuel used in January.
d. Inspection and Testing are Effected Appropriately
(1) Qualified Testing Staff. A Qualified Inspector is an individual who is determined by
the medical center's management to be qualified to inspect equipment by reason of training and
experience. This is a very important determination. The required services must be procured
from qualified individuals, if no VA staff is qualified.
(a) Hydrostatic testing of boilers and pressure vessels must be conducted after a repair or a
tube replacement, or when the integrity of the boiler or pressure vessel integrity is in doubt.
Hydrostatic pressure must be limited to 150 percent of normal operating pressure of the boiler or
pressure vessel.
(b) Selections of contractors for plant services including boiler inspections, burner
adjustments, testing of safety devices, calibration of instruments, and monitoring of water
treatment must be based on quality as the first priority. The contracting method chosen must
allow contractors to be selected on the basis of qualifications as a first priority.
(c) A Qualified Professional Inspector (QPI) is any one or combination of:
1. A boiler inspector who has a valid commission from the National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors.