September 11, 2003
maintenance program. All safety devices must be considered critical utility system components.
Inspection, testing, and maintenance records are required for all critical components of the utility
2. Records must include the:
a. Date of test, inspection, and/or maintenance;
b. Results of the test, inspection, and maintenance procedures accomplished;
c. Parts installed;
d. Names of individuals performing testing, inspection, and/or maintenance;
e. Subsequent required notification of the Medical Center Director is made regarding any
device failures; and
f. Repairs and/or adjustments made to safety devices and the date of their return to service.
(c) Performance Data. Performance data must be retained for at least 3 years and must
1. Total steam production and fuel consumed (daily, monthly, yearly).
2. Daily outside temperature range.
3. Make-up water quantity, and percent of make-up in relation to amount of steam generated.
4. Minimum and maximum steam demand per shift.
5. Boiler efficiency based on steam output and/or fuel input (daily).
6. Water treatment data including all test reports and chemicals utilized.
7. Boiler flue gas oxygen and stack temperature in relation to burner firing rate.
b. VA Central Office is Notified, as Required
(1) VHA Office of Facilities Management (18) notification is required prior to installation or
replacement of high-pressure steam boilers (above 15 psig or greater); installation of new fuel
burning equipment on existing boilers; and retubing 30 percent or more of a high-pressure steam
(2) Unusual occurrences, such as a rupture or explosion of a boiler or pressure vessel, a
furnace explosion, extensive damage from overheating, or any other unusual condition must be
reported immediately to the Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management