Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Health Administration
Washington, DC 20420
September 11, 2003
1. PURPOSE: This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive revises VHA policy on
the operation of boiler plants.
a. Without constant and vigilant care, equipment involving combustion and/or steam
production under pressure, such as boilers and pressure vessels, can and occasionally do explode
with significant property damage and sometimes fatalities.
b. The boiler plant is essential to the operation of the medical center providing steam and hot
water required for sanitation, infection control and a healthful environment for the delivery of
health care. Fuel costs for the boilers are a significant portion of a medical center's expenditures.
A recent review of eleven VA boiler plants reported "every facility tested lacked proper safety
devices, settings, and/or test procedures."
c. Boiler plant safety is dependent on well-trained operators, properly functioning safety
equipment, proper operational procedures, well-maintained boilers and support equipment, and a
commitment to continuous quality improvement.
3. POLICY: It is VHA policy that each boiler plant be operated in a safe and economical
manner recognizing its importance and the potential for pressure vessel and/or furnace explosion.
4. ACTION: The Medical Center Director, or qualified designee, is responsible for the safe
and efficient operation of the boiler plant, and for ensuring that:
a. There are Written Policies and Procedures. Written policies and procedures are
established, which at a minimum, must include:
(1) A clear statement and definition of safety as the first priority for boiler plant operations.
Boiler plant safety must not be compromised to maintain steam service.
(2) A requirement that all safety devices installed in the boiler plant, or installed as part of
the fuel systems, steam distribution systems and condensate return systems, must be periodically
tested to ensure their proper function.
(3) A system of notification so that no boiler safety device is recognized as non-functional
without the Medical Center Director's knowledge.
(4) Testing procedures that are in accordance with the VHA Boiler Plant Safety Devices
Testing Manual (available from Plant operators must be
knowledgeable of the location, purpose, and proper function of all safety devices.