Site Considerations
The following checklist is provided to help in the selection of a potential site or examining
an existing site for a VA Regional Office.
1. Vicinity Relationships
a. Is the location and surrounding area conducive to a VBA facility?
b. Does the neighborhood have prime commercial office space or
business park setting that is suitable for a VBA facility?
c. Does the neighborhood present a professional image and offer a
feeling of security for veterans or personnel?
2. Site Characteristics
a. Does the site offer prominent visibility?
b. Does the site provide dominant ingress/egress accessibility to major
highways for ease of commuting for staff and visitors?
c. Does the site provide dominant ingress/egress accessibility to public
transportation for ease of commuting for staff and visitors?
d. Does the site provide flexibility to accommodate the proposed building,
parking, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation?
e. Is the site well-maintained and does it present an attractive landscape
that screens noise and unsightly views?
f. Is the topography generally flat with no steep grades so people with
disabilities can transverse the site and access the building?
g. Future planned used of adjacent property desirable for a VBA facility?
h. Does the site have good drainage away from the building?
i. Is the site impacted by the 100-year flood plain?
3. Building Orientation
a. Does the main entrance face or is it visible from a major highway or
access road?
Service/Receiving Areas
a. Are the maintenance-type areas (trash, delivery, or service) located in
the rear of the building?
b. Sufficient space to accommodate tractor trailers.
c. Dock levelers.
VBA Design Guide
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