Space Programming and Acquisition
GSA Assignment
The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, as amended, (Title 40
U.S.C., Sec 417 et seq.) gives the Administrator of General Services
Administration the authority to procure and manage real property and assign it to
Federal Agencies. It is through this authority that GSA acquires space for VBA.
Effective October, 1996, GSA has given authority to Federal agencies to lease
their own space if no government-controlled space is available (See VA Lease.)
GSA assigns space to VBA in accordance with Federal Property
Management Regulations (FPMR) Part 101-17, Assignment and Utilization of
Space. Space is assigned within three major categories: Office, Storage, or
Special. Each space classification includes specific standard alterations in
accordance with Appendix A of FPMR 101-17.
Whereas GSA funds all standard alterations according to each space
classification, VBA is responsible for all above-standard alterations. When
acquiring space through GSA, the area and regional office should prudently
review the space requirements program in relation to the standard alterations
provided by GSA to ensure necessary funding is available for all requirements
GSA considers above-standard .
Space assigned to VBA by GSA can be either leased or government-owned.
For a lease procurement, the space program is translated into a Solicitati on
for Offers (SFO). GSA uses the SFO to solicit, negotiate, and, ultimately, award
a lease. Cooperation of the regional office with GSA throughout the lease
procurement process is vital to ensure all of VBA's needs are met. The major
steps in a GSA lease procurement from VBA's perspective are:
1. The area and regional office should conscientiously read the entire SFO
to ensure it parallels the original space requirements program before VBA
approves the document.
2. Once an SFO is issued, advertise d, and offerors respond, GSA will
conduct a market survey of buildings offered for lease. A representative from
VBA accompanies a GSA realty specialist to each building in order to verify the
buildings being considered in the procurement meet VBA's minimum standards
as dictated in the SFO.
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VBA Design Guide