General Notes:
1. Exhaust Air Grilles - Provide a minimum of two exhaust air grilles in this operating room. If only two grilles are
provided, locate them opposite from each other. Where there are more than two exhaust grilles, locate them at the corner
of the operating room. The bottom of each exhaust air grille is to be seven inches above the finished floor.
See HVAC Design Manual for Hospital Projects, PG-18-10, for additional information.
2. Electrical Power Module - Provide single/ separate power module near the center of each wall of the
operating room. Each power module is to have 3 power receptacles. These power receptacles are to be located 18 inches
above the finished floor. Provide 4 power receptacles in one utility column. See Electrical Design Manual for Hospital
Projects, PG-18-10, for additional information.
3. Retractable Utility Column: Provide connections on utility column as delineated in Chapter 286, Equipment Guide List, PG-7610.
Provide data/ communication connections at each column.
4. HVAC Controllers - Provide one of the two following systems for controlling room temperature and humidity in the
design of the mechanical system. The first system is indicated on the utility plan below. It involves locating a thermostat, a
humidistat, and a recorder in the operating room. The second system involves temperature and humidity sensors located in
the operating room with a recorder located remotely. See HVAC Design Manual for Hospital Projects, PG-18-10 and MCS,
Division 15 Mechanical, for additional information.
5. Nitrogen Control Panel - For information regarding this panel see NFPA 99, and Master Specifications, Section 15491.
6. Isolated Power Unit - Each of the isolated power units is to serve two adjacent walls. For this reason the units are
to be located near the corners of the room and diagonally opposite from each other. See Electrical Design Manual for
Hospital Projects, PG-18-10, for more information regarding isolated power.
7. Computer terminal - Utility requirements for the in-room computer terminal are to be determined by the VAMC
based upon the computer system to be used. This information is to be given to the A/E for incorporation into the
construction documents. The printer for the in-room computer terminals is to be located remotely.
8. Laser Panel - It is understood that air-cooled lasers are soon to replace water cooled lasers. For this reason, the
future impact of air cooled lasers on the design of the HVAC system must be considered by the designer. In spite of this
anticipated change, it is the policy of the VHA program official that water service is to be provided in any operating rooms
where existing water cooled lasers are to be continued in use.
9. Zone Valve Box - A separate zone valve box is to be provided for each operating room (anesthetizing location) in
accordance with NFPA 99. This cabinet is to be located in the semi-restricted corridor near the door to the operating
room it serves. See MCS, Division 15 Mechanical for a description.
Design Guide - Surgical Service
Utility Plan Notes
Cystoscopy Room
Guide Plate:
450 NSF (41.85 NSM)
Date: August 2005