September 30, 1994
Preparation, Assembly & Sterilization Area:
specialists in order to accommodate sterilizing
Decontaminated, clean instruments and
equipment specified for the project. Any request
other reusable medical devices are
for deviation from HVAC design criteria must be
inspected, assembled onto trays and sets,
approved by the VA and occur no later than the
and wrapped or packaged for terminal
design development stage.
The following
represents the highlights of the mechanical
system design for SPD. Refer to the VA HVAC
Linen Processing Area: Clean reusable
Design Manual for further design requirements.
linens are inspected, patched, folded, and
assembled into packs. This area is to be
HVAC System
provided only if the function is not
delegated to Environmental Management
The entire SPD area should be under
Service, Laundry Division.
negative pressure with respect to adjoining
See the HVAC Design Manual for
Equipment Testing and Storage Area:
Hospital Projects for additional requirements.
Clean medical equipment is tested and
stored here until issued. This area must be
A dedicated 100% outside air handling unit
located so as not to interfere with the work
with constant volume reheat should be provided
flow traffic of the clean/sterile storage area.
for SPD to serve each of the following areas:
Dispatch Area: Control of receiving and
Soiled Receiving and Decontamination
issuing of supplies and equipment is
Room (Negative Air Pressure)
maintained at the Dispatcher's Control
Preparation, Assembly & Sterilization Area
(Positive Air Pressure)
Volunteers Work Area and Technician
EtO Gas Enclosure (Negative Air Pressure)
Training Room: This dual purpose room
serves as a working space for SPD
Steam Sterilizer Enclosure (Negative Air
volunteers, as well as a retraining area for
SPD technicians, and new equipment
Preparation and Inspection of Surgical
Linens and Packs (Positive Air Pressure)
Housekeeping Aids Closet:
supplies need to be maintained in dedicated
closets; one for the decontamination area,
and another for the clean areas.
Separate dedicated exhaust systems should
be provided for each of the following spaces:
Administrative Area: This area contains
office space for the Chief of SPD,
EtO Sterilizers
supervisors, and clerical staff.
Cart and Manual Equipment Wash
General Exhaust of entire SPD suite,
including steam sterilizers.
Engineering Considerations
Since air is a very good carrier of
contaminating agents, air in the Soiled Receiving
and Decontamination unit should never mix with
and Air Conditioning)
air in the Preparation and Inspection unit. It is
imperative that the soiled areas have a negative
An adequate heating and ventilating and air
air pressure and the clean areas have a positive
conditioning (HVAC) system is a critical element
air pressure. Conditioned air should be supplied
in planning for SPD and requires careful
to all SPD areas at a minimum rate of 10 air
The mechanical engineer should
changes per hour (10 AC/HR).
coordinate with the architect and equipment
VA Design Guide -- Supply, Processing, & Distribution
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