September 30, 1994
expansion of its supply, processing, and
facilities that provide precise environmental
distribution role to include inventory control,
control yet are flexible to accommodate future
equipment cleaning and testing, and other duties
Environmental considerations most
which have not traditionally been SPD functions.
critical to SPD are:
temperature, humidity,
Other trends include stricter protection of
healthcare workers. Since pathogenic organisms
(serum hepatitis, AIDS and HIV) have become
Facility design is crucial to the efficiency and
known, protection for SPD staff has become
more of an issue for concern.
environmental conditions are met.
features deserving particular attention include:
Separation of soiled areas from sterile
Architectural Aspects
Restricted areas
Containment area for EtO gas
Many architectural considerations play a role
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
in deciding the ideal location for SPD. In order
(HVAC Systems)
for SPD to provide fast and efficient service, it
Room relationships (regarding function and
must be located in an area which will facilitate
staff utilization)
the delivery of supplies throughout the medical
center in a minimum amount of time. In addition
Modularity of design/flexibility
to issuing supplies and equipment, SPD receives
soiled reusables back for reprocessing to
complete the cycle. SPD accepts fresh supplies
to store, issue, and inventory, as well as issue
Space Planning Criteria
replacements for damaged, useless items. If
SPD is not adjacent to the hospital warehouse
Space planning for the SPD facility is
and loading dock, a simplified route from these
addressed in VA Handbook H-7610, which is the
areas must be carefully planned.
basis for developing all VA projects.
handbook outlines the space requirements
Easy accessibility to SPD is key and is
needed to design a functionally effective SPD
determined by the materials handling system
department. In multidivisional medical centers,
within the facility. Halls, ramps, and elevators of
total space for SPD is based on the combined
sufficient capacity need to accommodate carts
workload of all divisions.
used to distribute supplies. SPD should be
located where some degree of high speed
The following means of increasing the
efficiency of space utilization should be
conveyor, dumbwaiter, tube system) can be
maintained where emergency situations most
Sufficient amount of floor space for parking
commonly occur (operating rooms, recovery, and
returned soiled carts adjacent to sorting
intensive care units). It is important that SPD
work stations is important to achieve
have two separate and dedicated cart lifts or
efficient work flow. Space for cart queuing
is determined using verified workload
transport patient care items.
figures. The cart and equipment wash area
must be immediately adjacent and
interconnected to the soiled receiving and
Environmental Requirements
decontamination area.
The processing of medical and surgical
equipment, linens, and case carts requires
VA Design Guide -- Supply, Processing, & Distribution
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