Building Area
Lobby identification should follow the numbering sequence of rooms. Assign a
number in sequence to the room adjacent too or nearest to the lobby entry.
Corridor identification can also follow the numbering sequence of rooms. A
number in sequence to room nearest to corridor entry can be used for numbering.
Establishing zones is a method of assigning a "room number" to constantly
changing space such as workstation areas located in open floor plans.
Create a reference grid based on an architectural feature such as column lines.
Use letters on one axis and numbers on the other axis to identify each location
within the grid.
Room Numbering
When applying a room numbering scheme to a facility, it is helpful to think of the
process as being similar to traveling to a new place in town. You move from the
general to the specific. You have to get to the right part of town, and then finding
the right street, and finally the right address.
Depending on the architectural configuration of a building, certain room numbering
scenarios may prove to work better than others. The key is to provide a logical
consistent pattern that people can follow.
Many times, when renumbering a building, you may find that patterning of
numbers may have multiple scenarios that might work. Chose a scheme that will
have the ability to adapt to future building additions with no disruption to what has
been applied.
In the following pages we will discuss two numbering systems. One numbering
scenario is based upon a grid applied to the building floor plan. The other scenario
is based upon sequential numbering.
Numbering off a grid allows for room numbers to be added and deleted without
effecting the numbering system. It does mean that numbers appear to jump when
going down a hallway where there are no doors.
Numbering in a sequential fashion has numbers following the sequence of the
doors along a corridor. Following this approach requires introducing numbers with
a "sub-set" designation when new rooms are created within an existing numbered
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