Revised 10/96
Space Planning Issues
Human Factors
The physical mass requirements to accommodate
Patient dignity and self-determination are
the radiation shielding place some restrictions on
primary concerns while considering operational
the location of Radiation Therapy Facilities to lower
floor locations.
Patient's vulnerability to stress from noise, lack
Shielding requirements also place demands on
of privacy, poor lighting and other causes, and
space since long mazes and walls from eighteen
the harmful effects it can have on the healing
inches or more in depth usually result in
process is well known and documented.
departmental areas of two times the net space
Therapy Facilities is to address these issues
Accommodations for radiation therapy gantries are
and put forth creative solutions that enhance
the antithesis of flexible space with concrete walls
patient comfort and contribute to positive
which will long outlive their purpose.
Radiation Therapy Facilities need to be placed
Surrounding the patient (and family members)
where they will not impede expansion of the
with architectural finishes and furnishings that
surrounding services
are familiar and non-threatening should be a
prime objective.
Due to the permanent nature of these facilities they
will have to be designed to requirements that are
Good planning and design appeal to the spirit
applicable to a range of equipment selections.
and sensibilities of patients and care providers
Some over-design and anticipation of future space,
service, and shielding needs are one way to
provide a degree of flexibility.
Radiation Therapy Facilities should be healing
environments that become part of the therapy
The design of the Treatment Rooms needs to
while the technical requirements are addressed
accommodate current and future equipment and
in an integrated manner that supports these
utility access requirements.
Close coordination between the vendor, the
Security is addressed by planning, design, and
designers and radiation therapy physicists is
detail considerations.
required in the design process.
Handicapped access is accommodated by the
Patient Privacy has become a very important
application of UFAS and ADA design standards
consideration with the increasing use of VA
to space and fixed equipment layouts.
facilities by women and families
Functional Space Relationships
Shared staff support, including staff lockers,
Work Flow
lounges, inpatient holding and registration need to
be considered.
Provide a separate, convenient Outpatient
Entrance which includes patient privacy issues.
Shared patient support functions are not normally
used because of the nature of the patients' illness.
The patient process flows from registration and
waiting / holding, to gowning and patient prep
where required, to procedure and consulting rooms
and back to waiting for release.
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