Revised 10/96
General Considerations
Current Directions
Radiation Therapy is a clinical specialty employing
Linear Accelerators and Source Radiation for the
treatment of patients with cancer.
Effective diagnosis and care of cancer patients
requires an interdisciplinary approach to clinical
programs and involves multiple screening,
diagnostic and treatment modalities.
Radiation Therapy is frequently a key component
of treatment plans.
Clear, easy access and circulation (including
proximity of parking) is important to outpatients,
who are stressed and often weakened by their
Family participation (assistance in driving, parking,
helping patient in dressing room/gowned waiting
areas) is a common occurrence and should be
accommodated in the planning process.
Patient dignity issues should be addressed in the
Appropriate staff and support spaces and their
proper functional adjacencies to each other must
be clearly defined and understood early in the
planning and design process in order to achieve
operational efficiency.
Flexibility and adaptability should be anticipated
within the design of the facility to accommodate
evolving medical technology.
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