Final Draft 11-30-95
Revised March 1997
Space Requirements
Pharmacy deliveries are generally accompanied
Space requirements will vary with the selection
by pharmacy personnel with verification of
of waste collection and recycling methods and
delivery documented.
systems, and space requirements need to be
Pharmacy distribution routes to nursing units are
analyzed for each optional method or system
planned to minimize conflict with public and
considered for new and existing facilities.
patient traffic.
While space needs are determined by VA
For outpatients mail out prescriptions are now
Handbook 7610 on a departmental basis space
being used throughout the system and are
provisions for waste collection needs to be
increasingly popular.
distributed and dedicated to a variety of uses to
accommodate the implementation of the system
and method selected.
Provide staff access separated from patient
waiting and public areas.
Patient: Outpatient
Staff access is limited to one point where it can
Provide convenient access to The Outpatient
be visually and/or electronically monitored.
Pharmacy from patient parking and the primary
care entrance.
Locate staff lounge and locker areas away from
inpatient and outpatient traffic, convenient to the
Patient volumes for Outpatient Pharmacies
pharmacy, but outside of the secure area.
generally justify a ground floor location to
facilitate wayfinding and to decrease passenger
elevator traffic.
Both the Inpatient and Outpatient Pharmacy
depend heavily on bar coding and electronic
Use techniques including clear access routes,
data transfer for patient prescription, billing
public spaces, landmarks and signage to
information, and inventory.
facilitate wayfinding.
Pharmacy records record the administration or
Provide passenger elevator access to
refusal of each unit dose and the resulting
Outpatient facilities located off main entrance
documentation is made part of the patients'
consolidated medical records.
Patient: Inpatient
Automated prescription filling and automated
The need for patient access to Inpatient
transport systems are utilized within the
Pharmacies and convenient pharmacist access
to patient areas while maintaining base contact
accommodate new and changing systems.
will be established on a project basis.
Pharmacy Medical Record and prescription
Separate Inpatient and Outpatient traffic where
order volumes frequently justify pneumatic tube
or automated box transport access to Medical
Records and the units served. These transport
Convenient service access for unit dose and
modes may be located where shared use with
bulk supply cart delivery from hospital service
stat delivery is possible.
Stat Orders
Unit Dose and Bulk supply carts require
securable deliveries due to transport of narcotics
Stat prescriptions are filled and transported to
and dedicated keyed access to elevators should
the ordering unit by pneumatic tube or
be considered on a project basis.
automated box conveyor systems.
Automated cart delivery systems are not
generally acceptable for assurance of secure
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