Final Draft 11-30-95
Revised March 1997
Interior Materials and Finishes: Floors
Floors in offices, conference rooms and waiting
Refer to VA Handbook PG-18-14, "Room
areas should be carpet with a 100mm
Finishes, Door and Hardware Schedule" and VA
(4 inch ) high resilient base.
Construction Standard H-18-3, CD-49 "Physical
Security Requirements and Options" for
Floors in areas such as prepackaging, unit dose
additional information.
and dispensing should also be carpeted.
Floors in toilet rooms shall be ceramic tile with a
ceramic tile base.
Casework systems can be either fixed or
modular and are usually decided on a project by
Floors in most other spaces should be vinyl
project basis.
resilient base.
Modular systems are usually installed by a
subcontractor who may or may not have a
Interior Materials and Finishes: Ceilings
connection to the general contractor. This can
Ceilings should be primarily lay-in acoustic
be a problem when utility connections have to
ceiling tile.
be made. Modular systems have a wide range
of colors, fabrics and materials and can be
Refer to VA Construction Standard PG-18-3,
quickly installed.
CD-49, "Physical Security Requirements for
additional concerns.
The general contractor has more control over
the subcontractor with built-in or fixed casework
Interior Materials and Finishes: Protection
this sometimes can give a high quality end
Wall and corner guards shall be used in
product, but may take longer to complete than
corridors and other areas which wall damage
factory made units.
from cart traffic is anticipated.
Casework system should be chosen that provide
Interior Doors and Hardware
flexibility for planning and utilization purposes.
Doors and Frames
Interior doors should be 45mm (1 3/4") thick
components dimensioned for ease of multiple
solid core flush panel wood doors or hollow
re-use installation applications.
metal doors in hollow metal frames.
Casework systems should be used that
Door jambs should have hospital type sanitary
stops that stop 205mm (8 inches) from the floor
eliminating the need for wall reinforcing.
to facilitate mopping. Hollow metal doors should
be used where high impact is a concern and
Casework systems should be planned avoiding
where fire rated doors are required.
corner installations and filler panel instances.
The main doors leading to drug receiving area,
The final decision on casework should be made
Outpatient Pharmacy and Inpatient Pharmacy
by the user - the medical center.
are required to be steel security doors.
Automated Systems
Doors in the Type II Vaults for controlled
Automated Systems shall include elements of
substance storage are required to meet GSA
material handling, dispensing, inventory and
Class 5 criteria and have a day gate.
patient billing.
These systems elements will require access to
Kick/mop plates should generally be applied to
the main facility's "information backbone" as well
both sides of the doors.
as the departmental local area network. All
accessible hardware should be used throughout.
components should be planned for compatibility.
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