Nursing Home Design Guide
Requirements on the role of a central
to be used for bulk preparation of
vegetables, meats, combining
Food warming regulations,
Fire protection,
served at noon and night. Local serving
Dishwashing equipment and water
kitchens are used for completing many
breakfast items, including breads and
System for managing special diets.
brewed beverages, prepared directly
before the resident. The design of work
2. Resident Functions
areas for the central kitchen is the
The resident typically receives three
same; however, with few trays made-up
meals and 2-3 between-meal
in the kitchen, the need for tray lines is
nourishments each day. Consider
greatly reduced.
directly at a table, a course at a time,
The models outlined here require a
rather than food on a tray.
different training model for food service
personnel and tend to result in engaging
3. Staff Functions
the staff as part of food presentation on
Based on variations in assistance, some
a unit rather than focusing the labor
residents may eat in 15-20 minutes,
force on activities within the kitchen
others may be queued and selectively
alone. Professional consultation from
assisted, a third group may be fully
peers and experienced providers is
assisted, typically one at a time rather
required to customize the labor model.
than hand fed in groups. The closer the
The following are options available for
dining room is to the residents' rooms,
resident-centered dining using local food
the more time staff has to assist with
distribution systems:
meals. Serving includes distribution of
Food Service
beverages and may include
presentation of the choices for the day
There are 3 food service systems
recommended for a Nursing Home
such as an example of meals displayed
on a tea cart. Although staff hand feed
about 25% of residents, there is some
Country kitchen systems where food
indication that on-unit food presentation
is delivered in bulk, generally to the
may reduce this number.
less visible portion of the unit pantry.
This happens in advance of the
Staff provides oversight and work with
those needing clinical assistance related
Bulk-based systems where food
to eating. Through training, food service
service staff may prepare all or a
and other trained staff jointly verify
portion of the meal on a plate and
special diet needs and compliance. The
set it before the resident at his or her
use of computers and a more mobile
dietary staff have contributed to the
Tray-based systems with some
possibilities for such models of
selection where trays arrive with
managing special diets.
certain items set-up in the kitchen.
4. Meal Distribution Options
The dining room may be in operation for
The central kitchen generally continues
Office of Facilities Management
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